Remember in this world there are two kinds of people, my friend: Those with tools and those who have only errors.
You have only errors.
“While the meaning of the verb to debug is to remove errors, in reality it is more about seeing step by step execution of a program. As well as examining it against some specification of how program should behave. A programmer who has no access to high quality debugger is like a shortsighted person. He can function but he can miss some dangerous things in the environment very easily. ”
“All errors will be plus/minus three statements of the place you last changed the program”
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );
# If you need Jetpack
define( 'JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG', true );
define( 'JETPACK_STAGING_MODE', true );
# If you need Freemius
define( 'WP_FS__SKIP_EMAIL_ACTIVATION', true);
define( 'WP_FS__DEV_MODE', true );
echo $var;
print_r( $var );
var_dump( $var );
var_dump( $var ); die();
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', 'path/to/log/file' );
error_log( print_r( $var, true ) );
function vvv-debug(){
if [ ! -f $log ]; then
if [ -f $log ]; then
actualsize=$(du -k $log | cut -f 1)
if [ $actualsize -ge 300 ]; then
rm $log;
echo "" > $log
multitail -cS php -m 600 $log;
echo "Log not found"
# Open the log in a terminal of a specific site in VVV
$ vvv-debug demo
[error] => Notice
[file] => /home/domain/wp-content/plugins/lifterlms/vendor/ericmann/wp-session-manager/includes/class-wp-session.php
[line] => 77
[context] => Array
[cookie] => cxxxxxxxxxxx
[cookie_crumbs] => Array
[0] => cxxxxxxxxxxx
[url] => https://domain/author/daniele/feed/
[filter] => plugins_loaded
[path] => /home/domain/wp-content/plugins/lifterlms/vendor/ericmann/wp-session-manager/includes/class-wp-session.php
[message] => Notice (8): Undefined offset: 1 in [/home/domain/wp-content/plugins/lifterlms/vendor/ericmann/wp-session-manager/includes/class-wp-session.php, line 77]
Drop-in mu-plugin by Me (Query monitor supported).
The spaghetti western way of Blow your mind.
define( 'QM_HIDE_SELF', true );
define( 'QM_HIDE_CORE_HOOKS', true );
Create a custom alternative panel for log stuff inside Query Monitor
Add a timer method that use the Query Monitor internals
Add a method to print in the internal log panel of Query Monitor
$debug = new WPBP_Debug( __( 'Name of the panel', 'your-textdomain' ) );
$debug->log( __( 'Plugin Loaded', 'your-textdomain' ) );
$debug->qm_log( __( 'Error inside the log panel of Query Monitor', 'your-textdomain' ), 'error' );
$debug->qm_timer( 'profile_that_callback', function () { echo 'I need to be profiled!'; } );
wp profile stage --all
| hook | callback_count | time | query_time | query_count | cache_ratio | cache_hits | cache_misses | request_time | request_count |
+--------------------------+----------------+---------+------------+-------------+-------------+------------+--------------+--------------+---------------+ |
| plugins_loaded:before | | 0.2855s | 0.0041s | 19 | 83.95% | 136 | 26 | 0s | 0 |
| plugins_loaded | 34 | 0.2442s | 0.0009s | 3 | 98.31% | 116 | 2 | 0s | 0 |
| setup_theme:before | | 0.0005s | 0s | 0 | 100% | 4 | 0 | 0s | 0 |
| setup_theme | 1 | 0s | 0s | 0 | | 0 | 0 | 0s | 0 |
| total (31) | 242 | 1.4571s | 0.0284s | 78 | 90.8% | 3323 | 84 | 0s | 0 |
wp profile hook --all --spotlight --url=
| callback | location | time | query_time | query_count | cache_ratio | cache_hits | cache_misses | request_time | request_count |
| wpseo_init() | wordpress-seo/wp-seo-main.php:252 | 0.0136s | 0s | 0 | 100% | 34 | 0 | 0s | 0 |
| wp_enqueue_scripts() | wp-includes/script-loader.php:1294 | 0.015s | 0s | 0 | 100% | 348 | 0 | 0s | 0 |
| wp_trim_excerpt() | wp-includes/formatting.php:3289 | 0.0186s | 0s | 0 | 100% | 16 | 0 | 0s | 0 |
| total (7) | | 0.0927s | 0.0006s | 6 | 100% | 1054 | 0 | 0s | 0 |