Firefox (OS/For Android) and the Open Web App

Sauron: One App to rule them all and the Web's power to bind them.

Firefox (OS/For Android) and the Open Web App

Sauron: One Web App to rule them all and the Web's power to bind them.

Daniele "Mte90" Scasciafratte

It's me, Mario ehm Daniele!


Firefox OS!

Firefox OS

Firefox OS 2.0

Firefox for Android


Firefox (Desktop)

Do we really have to talk about it?

What they have in common?


The layout engine that render HTML, CSS, XUL (User Interface) and JavaScript.
Firefox, Firefox for Android and Firefox OS share the same engine with the same API and same version!
Yes! No difference about the Gecko version of Firefox for Android or Firefox (the only difference is the hardware support like the vibration ).

Open Web App

Open Web App for the users/consumers

For the user experience is better:

Open Web App or OWA for friends

OWA For the developer

manifest.webapp - ID Card of the App

                var checkIfInstalled = navigator.mozApps.getSelf();
                checkIfInstalled.onsuccess = function() {
                  if (!checkIfInstalled.result) {
                    var m_app = navigator.mozApps.install('http://' + document.location.hostname + '/manifest.webapp');
                    m_app.onsuccess = function(data) {
                       console.log("Install successful");
                    m_app.onerror = function() {
                       console.log("Install error");
                checkIfInstalled.onerror = function() {
                  console.log("Check install failed\n\n:" +;

OWA For the user

RuneAudio - Hosted app

Open-Web-Appize your site!

An example:

Firefox OS Bookmark for Wordpress

Transform your site in Open Web App and upload it on the Firefox Marketplace!

Go to the marketplace!

Packaged App with Arduino

Firefox (Desktop)

Firefox for Android - Launcher

Firefox for Android - Notification

Firefox for Android - Photo

Firefox OS

Firefox OS - App

W3C: Manifest for Web Application

W3C: Manifest for Web Application

Firefox OS/JanOS on minipc



Red panda (Firefox)
Talk by Daniele Mte90 Scasciafratte - @Mte90net